Solemn Holy Communion & Confirmation
The Holy Eucharist is a central sacrament in the Catholic Church. In the Eucharist, we believe that Jesus Christ is truly present—body, blood, soul, and divinity—under the appearances of bread and wine. Through this sacrament we receive the Eucharist and renew Christ’s sacrifice. To receive the Eucharist, one must be a practicing Catholic in a state of grace. It’s a communion with Jesus that deepens our unity with Him and His Church while expressing gratitude for His sacrifice.
To receive Solemn Holy Communion, children should be studying in Year 4 or above in catechism. Our parish conducts Holy Communion classes, and this is a requirement for receiving Holy Communion.
If you wish to have your child receive Holy Communion or Confirmation at St. Alphonsa Parish Northgate, please fill out the online application form below.
Online Application Form
Fill the application form below to request solemn Holy Communion or Confirmation