Oh God Thou House is Holy. The heavenly hosts who worship You, are holy. Kindly sanctify our hearts which are to be Your abode. Consecrate our conscience. O God who makes everything sacred, Bless us”. This is the prayer of all the faithful who enters in a house of worship especially when we see a church affined with apostolic tradition. The St. Thomas Forane Church, Ambazhakad has a lot to tell about the history of the Church of Kerala. The Christian community flourished here amidst all the trials and tribulations in the first centuries is an excellent and shining example of firm faith. The people of that epoch considered everything as a waste when compared to things that are divine and spiritual and they gave everything of their own to be the sentinel of stainless faith. The parishes originated from this mother church, the divine edifices, Press, educational institutions, charitable institutions, institutions to care the sick, the old, the orphans; all speak of the virtue of faith that is expressed in charity. May all who seek Him, may find consolation and peace in Him. With this prayer we welcome you.